Saturday, January 1, 2011

Chapter One The Power to Complete

The Power to Compliment and Complete

How exquisite the world must have been, on the sixth day of creation, when Adam's eyes first beheld it; fashioned by the creator of the universe in flawless beauty! The very air he first breathed was sweet, fresh and uncontaminated, with the firmament yet in the heaven above. Father God had created it all according to his own heart's desire, before he took some dust and began molding and shaping the very first man. Gen. 1;6, Gen. 2:7 – “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground ...” formed [Heb. Yatsar ( through the idea of squeezing into shape); to mould into a form; espec. as a potter; ...)]
I once sat and visited with an artist as he worked with a piece of wax he held in his hands. In short order he had shaped it into a fine cougar. How his hands could transform the wax into something of such design so quickly was amazing. He would later spend more time in perfecting it, adding detail and eventually a mold would be made, then a bronze. It started as wax and became a thing of value.
But the artist who was Father God, shaped the first man out of dust; yes a man with all his internal organs, every hair of his head, every detail of the amazing human body. What a tremendously beautiful man he must have been. This was Adam, designed and created to perfection, yet lifeless; with great potential if only … !
Then the Father made a special connection with his creation, his man, and gave him something of himself. He breathed into his nostrils and gave him his own breath of life. The heart began to beat, the blood began to circulate and Adam became a living soul! The Bible does not say that Adam received a soul to live inside his body. It does not say that a soul was waiting somewhere in Heaven for the opportunity to enter Adam's body. Before the breath of life was breathed into Adam, he was already Adam. Once he received the breath of life he became a living soul! (Gen 2:7 “... and man became a living soul.”)
God placed this new creation into a garden called Eden to dress it and to keep it. (Gen. 2:15) (What this meant will be looked at later.) He had him to name all of the animals and watched to see what he would call them. (Gen. 2:19) Yes he gave Adam a glimpse of this new and wonderful world that had been created for him to live in and have dominion of, (which can be seen by his being given the position of naming all the animals) even before He had completed him.
Consider God's purpose in creating mankind. His purpose was to create an image and likeness of himself.
Gen. 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion … Gen. 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
Notice the words, us, our and them. These are plural words. 'Our' is a plural pronoun. There was and is only one God, but he is a unit, made up of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We are told in John chapter one, “In the beginning (notice the same words as in Gen. 1:1) was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. All things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made.” Jesus then, is described as the Word who was with God in the beginning and who was God, (was one with God), on the day Adam was created. He would say later John 10:30 “I and my father are one.”
Adam was in the image of father God. He was designed with the ability to 'father' that is, give seed, but was without anyone to receive that seed. He had a need to be a part of a unit that would reflect the God who had created him. In order for Adam to be complete; for the image of God -  his reflection on earth to be complete, there would have to be someone else, who would be a part of himself -  who and what he was. For “In the beginning 'God', which in the Hebrew is the word, eloheem and is the plural of the word elowahh. So God who is a plural unit, created … The Father, Son and Holy Spirit agreed together as the one and only true God, to create their image and to do so would require two who would be a part of each other, one flesh, as they too were one. They who were a plural unit, each member being a literal part of the other, said of Adam that it was not good for him to be alone. (“And the Lord God (eloheem) said, It is not good that the man should be alone: ...”
This word 'alone' in the Hebrew is the word 'bad', meaning, separation, by impl. a part of the body, branch of a tree … . It was not good for Adam to remain in an incomplete state, reflecting the image of Father God, but not God in His entirety. It was not good for him to be only a part of the body, but not whole. He needed the other part that would complete him and the reflection of God on the earth. He needed the man with the womb. HE NEEDED the WOMAN!
Perhaps Adam looked at the Father with a questioning look as he named each specie of animal, seeing that each had his mate, while he did not. He could see the wondrous beauty of the world around him and the harmony of the living creatures. He got a small taste of what it would be like to live – ALONE – without that part that would complete him and it was NOT GOOD. This was the only thing that God himself said was NOT GOOD.
It took the woman to complete the man. She is the finishing touch to a beautiful creation. Woman has the power to complement and complete the man. The importance and value of this is better seen in the creation of the woman. Next we will take a look at this important event and get a better picture of the Beauty and Power of the Woman.

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