The dirt and sand felt like it literally cut into her forehead, as Cati tried to wipe away some of the sweat, with the back of her sleeve. It only smeared but at least it stopped the dripping for a few seconds. She shifted in the ditch, where she lay watching for any sign of the enemy. It was quiet; too quiet. They had to still be out there. "They love to make us squirm," she thought. "What I wouldn't give to be home, soaking in a tub full of cool water!
Just to get a little comfort! "She shifted again. Why did she have to feel so nauseated? It must be PMS; one of those lovely benefits of being a woman. A wry smile spread across her face. Then she was sober again. She suddenly realized that when she had thought of home, it was not her own apartment she longed for, but home where mother was. How could that be, when she had been so anxious to leave there and be on her own?
Suddenly Cati felt an uneasiness, as though someone had just crept up in the shadow of the tree, directly behind her. She ducked down, her face near the ground, then slowly turned to look behind her. Nothing was there. A slight breeze moved a thin branch overhead. Otherwise all was still and quiet. "Why doesn't somebody do something! This silence is driving me crazy! "
Again her thoughts went to her mother and how she had hurried to get away from her. One thing she had been sure of; she did not want to end up like her mother or hear about Jesus anymore. What did it get mom?" she whispered to herself. For three years while her father was away in the army, her mother had been faithful. She had applied herself to studying the Bible, praying, writing long letters and trying to encourage Cati to trust God and believe for her father's safe return. One week after receiving a letter, telling her mother that he had found someone else and was divorcing her, her father had been killed in action.
Even now Cati could feel the bitterness welling up and choking her. She tossed her head, as if she could shake it off, then tried to get her focus back on the situation at hand. She felt like she might throw up. She raised up trying to get a deep breath, then she felt it. The sound of it seemed to come after the fact. First it was pain, then heat; a deep fiery heat. She thought she could hear her mother's voice as she drifted into unconsciousness.
For two days, laying in a military hospital, her mind went here and there through time. One minute she was with Ted, another she was sitting at the table in her mother's home. Ted, dear Ted. He had seen things in Cati she didn't even see herself. He saw beauty and Cati didn't want to even be noticed. He loved her and believed in her and she never wanted to trust a man or be close to one. She never wanted to love as strongly as her mother or ever be hurt as deeply.
She joined the army and worked hard at being strong; at being equal to any man and self reliant. Ted had joined because she did. And till now, he had been able to stay pretty close. Mostly she avoided him. He brought out feelings, she did not want to have, so she tried to get through to him, she had no interest in him except as a buddy.
That is, until one evening a couple months ago, during a four day leave. They had hung out together, drank too much and gotten too close. Next morning she had slipped away and had refused to talk to him since. She had opened herself too much, allowing herself to be more vulnerable than she had ever intended to be. She had to make certain it never happened again!
Suddenly she felt like she was back in the ditch, only now she could hear bullets flying, non stop around her. She noticed how badly she smelled. Why do I have to have my period now, out here in this horrid war, and no water to even take care of myself? she thought. Her stomach ached, then she was nauseous, then she felt her mother massaging her shoulders and her voice was so comforting and close. She opened her eyes. A pretty nurse smiled down at her. "Good morning!" she said brightly.
"I am glad to see you finally wake up. "Where ...? Cati stopped and put her hand on her aching head. Does your head hurt? the nurse asked. "You hit it pretty hard, when you fell. I'll get you something for the pain" "Fell?" Yes. When you were shot, you fell back on a jagged rock. You are okay now and doing well. We got you here before you lost much blood. Even your baby is doing well. You will both make it just fine."
"Baby? " Cati closed her eyes again. She wanted to sleep; to escape it all. A thrill went through her against her will. "No!" her mind screamed! I don't want to have a baby! I don't want to have to love! I don't want to hurt! I want my career! I want to do what I want, when I want! She gritted her teeth, making an effort to get control of her thoughts. "Okay, I will have a baby. I'll get someone to take care of her so I can go forward with my career. I'll not let anything stop me! I will not be like my mother! I will not love like my mother! Tears began rolling down her cheeks and then uncontrollable sobs pushed their way up and out. "Oh mother! " She cried out. " I just want my mother!" And her heart defied her, saying, "If only I could be a strong woman like my MOTHER!"
What do you want to be when you grow up? This is a common question adults ask children. When it comes to little girls, these days, one might hear answers like; - a ballerina, a princess, a singer, an actress, a mama, a nurse, a doctor, or even a lawyer or any number of things that, in days gone by, might not have been available to women.
Today, many women are pursuing any number of career choices. If you ask women about there lives, you may hear something like this, "I am studying to get my degree to become a doctor and I am a wife and mother." I am a nurse and I'm married and I have two children." And so on. This is, after all, America, where women have the freedom to do what they want with their lives. Even in the church world, there are those who would highly disapprove of any woman not seeking a college education and some 'higher' position in life.
If finances should be a problem for a person wanting to further their education, in order to prepare for some field of work, or, that is, career, often there is assistance to be had
It is considered great progress that has brought women to this place in life, where they are being treated with respect and being able to follow their heart.
Even though this all appears to be so positive, their are thought patterns that either do not belong to the Daughters of God, or at the least need to be viewed under the light of God's Word.
For example, following your 'heart' should be understood by a Daughter of God, to refer to a heart that belongs to God and is guided and governed by Him; a heart that has made the decision to love the Lord with all that it is and has. A heart that dwells 'in' Him and he 'in' them. A person who belongs to God, should not follow their own ideas and plans, aside from the Savior.
The freedom to 'choose', should be understood, to mean to choose the way of the Lord.
And the choices of a daughter of God, should not be influenced by what the world thinks she should do; by it's drives nor it's condemnations. For us, it is not a matter of what the world thinks we should do, nor the course they feel we should follow. It is a matter of walking in the Spirit of God, so that we may live holy lives and do the will of our God. It is a matter of following God and His leading.
Am I suggesting that Daughter's of God cannot have careers as other women?
I am saying that each Daughter of God, should follow their King. That God and His will alone, is to be the deciding factor for their individual lives.
However the Word of God -HAS - made known some particulars of God's will for the women He created. There are some choices that He made, before He ever created woman, about the purpose for which He was creating her.
No matter what our individual ideas or fantasies, if we are going to follow God, it is imperative that we look to Him and find out what He has in mind for us.
If you have read the previous posts, you may have already encountered many of the things written in the Word of God concerning women. But you may, or may not have related these to careers for women.
We often think of a Career as the thing we do to earn a living, and for which we have particular training. The dictionary gives this meaning for career -
Career - 3. General course of action or conduct in life, or in a particular part or calling in life, or in some special undertaking; usually applied to course or conduct which is
of a public character; as, Washington's career as a soldier.
[1913 Webster]
According to this definition, a career does not have to bring in an income. It is, however a course of action. It would be safe to say then, that it is the thing you give time and thought to. It is the course of action you pursue.
Pursuit - 2. A following with a view to reach, accomplish, or obtain; endeavor to attain to or gain; as, the pursuit of knowledge; the pursuit of happiness or pleasure.
[1913 Webster]
In part one, we looked at the first thing any woman should pursue in her life; this being Jesus Christ himself and the knowledge of His Word.
In the story of Cati above, this is one thing she had not pursued. She had watched her mother's life to see what God would or would not do for her. But she had never tried to get to know God for herself or understand His heart. She made choices for her life for the purpose of self protection and success. It brought her no peace or satisfaction. She had tried to bury many things that had been put in her by her creator, so they would not hinder her from succeeding in her chosen course.
While this is only a story of fiction, it illustrates what happens far too often, in the lives of many women today.
Now go with me into the scriptures to look at those things written that pertain specifically to woman. Let's go to Genesis, where we are told the specific purpose of God in creating woman.
Gen. 1:26 - And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: ...
Gen. 2:18 - And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
Because it was not good for the man to be alone, God made woman to be a HELP MEET for him!
I know that many women may not like this idea at all. Many may say "That thinking is out of date! Women have come far beyond such ideas!" But those of you who think this way, let me ask you a question. Are you willing and ready then, to say "I do not like God's reason for creating woman. I have come way beyond God and His ideas. I think His reasoning is oppressive and I am opposed to it. I know better than God?"
Ouch! Now that is strong! But if we reject what the Word of God says, we are acting in just such an arrogant and rebellious manner. - BUT WAIT! - Don't run away yet!
If you have read the post "Power to Complete", you may remember that when God said it wasn't good for the man to be 'alone', this word 'alone' actually meant - separation, by impl. a part of the body, branch of a tree … . It was not good for Adam to be only a part of the body, but not whole. He needed the other part that would complete him and the reflection of God on the earth.
Let us never devalue what God has done with great purpose, power and beauty. God who is wonderful beyond our comprehension chose to create an image and reflection of himself to live on this earth. To do so necessitated there being two who were one, as the Father and Son are one. It may be hard for us to fathom this oneness, but the clearest picture we will ever have of it's reality, until the day we see God face to face, is to be the picture of the man and woman; husband and wife.
When Adam saw his bride for the first time, he was looking at his own rib, his own flesh, and his own blood probably flowed through that flesh. While the woman was indeed an individual, yet at the same time she was a very real part of her husband. They truly were one flesh.
So the word 'alone' was more of an indication of man yet being incomplete or unfinished. Woman was the missing half of man, and was needed to complete the image of God.
Even so, many women today might not be comfortable with the idea that they were created to complete anything, rather than being complete in themselves; especially in a world that stresses individuality and self reliance.
In the Word of God, however, unity is one of the main messages. Jesus prayed to His Father to make His people to be 'one' as He and the Father are one.
John 17:11- And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are.
The people of God are called His 'church' and the Word teaches that we are individual parts of that 'one' body.
Col. 1:18- And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.
1 Cor. 12:20- But now are they many members, yet but one body.
God removed the wall of separation between the Jews and Gentiles in order to make 'one' new man. (Eph. 2:14+ 15)
And all who have been born again, who have received the seed of the Word of God are said to be a part of the body of Jesus himself.
Rom. 12:5 - So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.
Each individual part is important and of value, yet meant to be connected to the rest of the 'body' of Christ.
1 Cor. 12:21 - And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you.
Each individual part is needed for the complete whole. Each must take care of itself, but it is invaluable to the rest of the body.
Yet all of this came after the creation of the man and woman. They were created to be a unit that is in the image and likeness of God before there were any other people to make up the church, or body of Christ. The man and woman were the first to each have individual function and purpose, while never to be without from the other.
Woman was created to be a help meet for her husband!
help meet- 5828 ezer; aid" - help.
Gen. 2:23+24 - 2:23 - And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
4 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
Why 'shall' a man leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife?
Why would the man and his wife be one flesh?
Because (verse 23) Eve was taken out of Adam and was his flesh and bone. Adam, who had never seen a human mother, knew that after the creation of Eve, God was not going to put each man to sleep and take bone and flesh from him, from which to make his wife. After this, each man was to cleave to his wife and realize her to be a part of himself. God would see them to be one as surely as were Adam and Eve.
Then in Matthew the reason given, was said this way -
Matt. 19:4+5 - And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?
You see, from the beginning, that is, the plan of God and what He did of His own will and design, was to make His image, the man, to be both male and female. It does not say that from the beginning God made a male and a female and told them to get married. It says he made them male and female. Adam was male and female, as God himself is the Father and the Son. This is made more clear in Gen. 5 -
Gen. 5:2 - Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name 8034-shem [Greek]) Adam, in the day when they were created.
shem (Strong's Exhaustive Concordance) = : an appellation, as a mark or memorial of individuality; by impl. ... name ...
appellation 2. The act of calling by a name.
[1913 Webster]
3. The word by which a particular person or thing is called
and known; name; title; designation.
[1913 Webster]
God saw the man and wife as one; so much so, that he called them both by only one name. They both were called Adam. If God called that name, both could know to come to him. The woman, was not called Eve until after they had sinned and God had dealt with each of them. Then Adam called his wife Eve. (Gen. 3:20)
Some translations have changed this verse. But to do so they have had to leave the word 'shem' out of the verse, or translate it as "them" which is not at all accurate.
The word 'name' is the same word used when Adam called his son's name Seth. (Gen. 4:25)
The plan of God is clear. He created woman to be a help to the man, to complete him and the image of God. He intended them to be one. The man was to 'cleave' to his wife and the two to become one flesh.
Matt. 19:5 - And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave (5701) to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh.
These were not mere suggestions, or options. This was the direct plan, purpose and design of God. We cannot reason it away!
So then, what is the goal that any woman should prepare for in her life? What is it that she should devote her time to learning about and understanding, so that she can be successful in the work God has planned for her to do? What should be her first and most important career? It is that which God created her for and designed her to be - A HELP MEET for her husband, which includes motherhood.
Even if you have had a bad experience in marriage, were abandoned by a spouse, have never had the opportunity to marry or any other situation, these facts will not change the plan and purpose of God.
If we recognize God's plan and design, and accept it as true, we may be better able to understand some things about ourselves, what we go through and why we feel as we do in certain situations.
Have you noticed that even the woman of the world, who chooses to stay single, have a career, travel the world, etc., finds she desires, either male companionship or at least sexual experience with a man/men. Women who are without a husband, will often desire children. Single women adopt. Gay women will sometimes have sex with a man simply for the purpose of becoming pregnant. Women,were created according to God's plan and purpose and the cry of His design will not go unheard!
Even in the gay community, where people have abandoned God's design, you often see couples with one acting more male and the other more female. The female acting male is often referred to as being 'butch'. With male couples, one will often appear fairly natural, or masculine, while the partner acts extremely feminine. Some will go so far as to dress like a woman and you might not know it was a man unless you were told. Though they have left God's plan and perverted His image, yet the idea of male and female being together, is never completely lost.
God so designed the woman, according to His purpose, that her very body, demands her attention and attests to God's plan. Every month their are hormone changes that take place, in preparation for receiving, from the man, life giving seed. Their womb is lined and readied to hold new life, feed, nurture and protect it. It doesn't matter if a woman has decided she doesn't want to be a mother. She will still have to deal with those hormone changes and the effects they have on her nervous system and her moods, as well as, sometimes, outward physical changes, such as swelling, breast tenderness, cramps or even tiredness.
When a woman is aroused sexually, her body will excrete a mucus, to lubricate her vagina, in preparation to receive the male, whether or not she has intercourse.
The plan of God will not go unnoticed. His design remains.
Satan has deceived the world into thinking that such things as marriage and motherhood are second in importance to the pursuit of a so-called career. Yet the purpose of God demands attention no matter where you are or what you are doing. When the need to be loved by the opposite sex arises, it does not always sound a warning ahead. When a womans menstruation comes around each month, it does not ask if it is a convenient time. When the need to feel sexy and/or attractive overwhelms you, it does not ask if the timing is right. Neither do you plan a specific time to feel a void in your life, you are unable to fill. It may slowly creep up on you until it weighs heavily, but it comes.
How much benefit there would be, if each woman, and especially every daughter of the King, would determine in her heart to see God's plan, His call, to be the career she applies herself to, before any other thing.
Too often such things as marriage and motherhood, have been put under the classification of 'natural/fleshly' things as opposed to 'spiritual' things. This too, is a deception of the enemy to devalue what God himself has placed a high value on. He said it was 'very' good!
Gen. 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; MALE AND FEMALE CREATED HE THEM.
How could, God creating His own image, not be a spiritual matter?
Gen. 1:31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was VERY GOOD. …
This word 'very' in the Hebrew means – prop. Vehemence, that is, (with or without prep.) vehemently; …
According to the Dictionary, 'vehement' means -
1 – showing great force or energy
2 – highly emotional
It seems that our God saw the creation of His image, the marriage, to be something of great value. It was not just a side thought. He did not just happen to notice Adam not having a mate and think it 'might' be a good idea to make him one. He had planned it to be so before he ever began to form man. He gave Adam male reproductive organs, knowing what he was to use them for. Sex? For the union of two parts, that together was an image and reflection of God! For the producing of children, born out of the love of two for each other. And God himself was VERY pleased with his plan and creation!
Satan hates seeing reflections of God on the earth, he seeks to dominate. SO he has spent great time and effort to devalue the things God himself designed, to pervert it and destroy it. It is, after all, a reminder of who will have the last say concerning his doom!
Being a HELP MEET for your husband is a great and honorable position. Why? Because it is living according to God's call for you. It is a place to begin the ministry God has called us to. It is an opportunity to do for another, some of what Jesus has done for us.
Think about it ladies. What are some of the things Christians ask of God?
Children of God often ask God to -
make us like Jesus
use us
help us to love as we should
give us a ministry
help us to make a difference
help us to die to self
help us to be giving
to give us eyes to see the needs of others
to edify
We often want to -
work for the Lord as counselors, in child ministry, youth ministry etc.
Yet all these things can first be practiced and learned in the marriage. God gives us one person who we can love and serve like no other. It is an opportunity to live, be and exercise the heart of God in the closest of relationships, next to our relationship with God himself.
Consider Jesus, our example. His reason for submitting to the will of his Father, was not because he was not equal to him.
Phil. 2:6- Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:
He did not humble himself and become a human because he was worth no more. NO! He was God! He did these things by choice, in order to reach us and restore us to the Father - BECAUSE HE LOVED US!
2:7 - But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:
Do you want to be like Jesus? Here is your opportunity! Be the HELP MEET you were created to be.
Stop looking beyond your husband, for an opportunity to serve God and His people! It begins at home. This is where you study and practice how to love unconditionally, to die to self that another can live, how to pour out yourself in love for another; how to be a living epistle of Jesus Christ.
Here you learn how to obey and respect the one who is closest to you; the one who is part of you.
This does not mean that you will not be as one. Jesus who we submit ourselves to said this -
John 15:15 -Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.
Though we serve Him as our Lord, yet He calls us His friends and shares with us what His Father makes known to Him. he shares His heart with us!
Jesus submitted to His Father and yet look what His Father did -
Eph. 1:20 +21- Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places,
21 - Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come:
It was after Jesus had submitted to the will of the Father and gave His life for us, that God gave Him , again, this place of honor, praise and glory.
We are not better than our Lord!
Matt. 10:25- It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord. ...
We say no one loves us, or understands us like Jesus, and yet we know we must obey and reverence Him. Why is it then, we should think, that if we are going to have a close relationship with our spouse, we should not have to obey or reverence him? It is in this exact relationship that we should first learn and practice these things, that the world can see the life that is hid with Christ in God, and see it in you.
Your husband is to be your provider and protector. He is you. He is ONE flesh with you. You should be proud of who and what he is. He is not only a head 'over' you, but your own head. THINK about it. When you look in the mirror, what do you see? - your head. When you look at your husband, you are looking at part of yourself. We need to stop thinking of marriage as simply two people who have agreed to have sex with no one else and who share a home. You are one flesh! ONE FLESH! And it is you, dear Daughter of the King, who is the help to that part of you, who has chosen to make you his own, to love, provide for and protect you all of his life! Take pride in your head! He is a part of you!
It is at home, with your husband that you learn and practice, how to live in partnership, how to edify another, how to support, comfort, help, share Jesus in a receivable way, be an intercessor, a friend, and to build up in the most holy faith. If you get it right here, in the marital relationship, it will flow out to the church and others.
Too often Christian women have it turned around. They think they must go to work in the church, or in the world, and call this 'the ministry' and that they must put their marital relationship as second place, to what they call 'working for the Lord, or 'the ministry'. But God said, in the very first book of the Bible, that he created you to be a HELP MEET, to your husband. He told you where your 'ministry' is to begin. Why then would you walk away from his first call on your life and think this was a service to Him? Obedience to God and doing things His way is always the right way!
Your husband is the person God has assigned you to. He is the one you are to have unity with. He is the one you are to HELP throughout life. Being given a husband is being given a great opportunity to live the things God requires of us and at the same time have a deep and intimate relationship.
You want to learn to truly submit to God? Submit to your husband.
You want to take up your cross daily and follow Christ? Die to self first in the closest relationship you have, your relationship with your husband.
You want to love like Christ? Start with your husband.
Learn to tap into the heartbeat of the one God has assigned you to. Learn to understand his heart, what makes him tick. Find out how to love him in a way that will help him to be all that God made him to be. Learn how to build up the man responsible for you. Learn how to encourage and motivate him who is a part of you and in so doing, build up yourself. Take joy and pride in his successes, his joy, his efforts in life. Learn to feel what he feels, to cry when he hurts to rejoice in his triumphs and joys.
Sound like a lot? Then this is not to be taken lightly or entered into haphazardly. This is a CAREER! And it is the one God created you for. You are not better suited to any other. But careers take study, time and effort.
2 Tim. 2:15- Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Do you want victory in your life?
James 4:7 - Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
Submit to His will for you! Stop seeking God for his will for your life, if you have not fully recognized that His first will for you is to be a HELP MEET to your husband. Submit to this call on your life first, then watch what God will do. When you are properly ministering in this capacity and the two of you are fulfilling the will of God as concerns your union together, then you can see God use you in mighty ways. For it is that -
Matt. 18:19- Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.
How much power is there, then, when the two who are the image and reflection of God are asking of God, in agreement!?
A woman with POWER, is a woman walking in obedience to her King!
Do not be focused on building up self. Is that what Jesus did?
1 Pet. 5:6 - Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:
And when Christ lifts you up, how precious it is!
When it is your husband who speaks highly of you and demands you are respected and honored, what a joy!
This thing was so important that the older women, in the Bible times were instructed to teach the younger women things they needed to know pertaining to their husbands, that the word of God would not be blasphemed!
Do you mean to say I could be busy in Christian service and yet be blaspheming the Word of God? Read the scriptures below and ask yourself, if you are living in obedience to what is written there.
Titus 2:3+4-3 - The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;
4 That they may teach the young women to be sober (4994), to love (5362) their husbands, to love (5388) their children,
5 - To be discreet (4998), chaste (53), keepers at home (3626), good (18), obedient (5293 )to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed (987).
There is power for the woman of God to live in, but it comes with obedience to God's plan and will; not in asking Him to bless our plans and our will.
With all that has been said, so far, I imagine their are many questions and perhaps even frustrations that have arose as a result. Some may be crying out, "But my husband isn't even serving the Lord! Or - "God hasn't even given me a husband" etc. And lastly, "How on earth do I live this? I don't know how to begin!
For now the important thing is to come into agreement with the Word of God, as the Daughters of the King. We know that we are to -
Matt. 6:33 - Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
God's kingdom is the place where He rules. So we need to begin by coming into agreement with Him. If He has created women to be HELP MEETS, then we must start by agreeing with Him.
Then we can begin to seek Him as to how to fulfill this role and how to study and prepare for it. It is a career worth the study and work involved in mastering the art and moving up.
If you have never realized or been willing to acknowledge this important call of God, then this is the time to, first of all, repent, and then to seek God for the next step. If you have been saved very long, you may have already been learning through the Word and even messages preached, about how God wants us to live. Now start by turning your heart toward your husband, if you have one, and begin to practice what you have learned, with him.
If you have no husband at this time, then study for the career God designed you for now and prepare yourself. If you are old and never understood these things, learn now and pass it on to the next generation. If you are single, understanding Gods plan and purpose may help you to know why you feel and think as you do, and how to pray for his help. Study the Word of the King to whom you belong. He has answers for you there. Ask Him to teach you. Listen for His voice and say yes to Him.
Accept the will of God for His daughters.
Our Savior was an example of the life God requires of his Daughters.
You want to be like Jesus?
Be the HELP MEET he created you to be!
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